Kutztown University Color Guard Audition Info
(Last updated on 5/21/2024)
This year, you have the option to audition in-person on Kutztown University's campus, or submit a video audition.
Please be sure to fill out the KUMU registration form before your audition, both in-person and online!
In-Person Auditions: Auditions will be held on June 1st from 10 AM - 4 PM. We will meet Risley Hall, which is the building adjacent to the Old Main parking lot on the South Side of campus.
Video Auditions: If you absolutely cannot make the in-person audition, then you can create an unlisted youtube video that you will submit to the captionhead via an online submission form (see "Video Audition Submission Form" button below). You must ALSO fill out the KUMU registration form. Video submissions are due by June 14th.
If you have questions or concerns, please email caption head Gigi Romano at gigiromano12@gmail.com